As a former land acquisition manager and general counsel for a local builder, he brings the client side perspective to the table in a way rarely seen at most law firms. Tarter NoVa Law can assist you with:
- Real Estate Contracts
- Leases
- Construction, Architectural and other Real Estate Service Contracts
- Real Estate Finance, including the preparation and review of loan documents, such as Promissory Notes, Deeds of Trust, etc.
- Homeowner Association and other Community Documents
- Subdivisions, Easements, and Restrictive Covenants
- Site Analysis, Due Diligence, and Title Review
- Land Use Issues
- Ground Leases
- Creation of Ownership Entities, such as Limited Liability Companies
- Zoning and other Transactional Opinions of Counsel
- Sale of Property without a Real Estate Agent
See some of Tarter NoVa Law’s Projects